Experience with the use of Prostovit capsules and drops by Ionela from Busteni
When you're young, you don't really think about illness, but with age comes an understanding of how important it is to undergo timely examinations and not bring the body to a state where nothing can be done. I remember my grandfather dying of prostate cancer. For a year he suffered, he lost weight, he was in a lot of pain, and then he underwent an operation, but it did not help, and four months later he disappeared. Grandma said, even before he got sick, he always took my grandfather to see a doctor, but he refused and persisted until the end of his life. Twenty years have passed since then, and I also faced prostatitis, I did not save myself. To be honest, he did not immediately pay attention to the problem, and he explained the difficult urination either by hypothermia, or by pinching, or by pressure. But then things got worse and, remembering my grandfather, I went to submit myself to Aesculapius, who diagnosed chronic prostatitis.
By the time I realized it, the disease had gone far, changes in the prostate were clearly visible on ultrasound, blocked blood flow led to the formation of necrosis. Because of the dysfunction of the gland, I have problems with erection and reproduction, which upsets my wife very much, because she already wants children. Therefore, in addition to the urologist, I had to consult an andrologist. It was he who advised me a new drug - Prostovit fell, talked about its specifics and differences from other drugs. Then I myself went to the official website, looked at product reviews - composition, indications for use, contraindications, how to use. I read about the active ingredient, how it works, and decided to try it, because I understand that other drugs too often treat one thing and disable another. Of course, there are doubts, but user reviews and comments from competent doctors convince me.
The medicine is taken according to the instructions - a course of treatment for 30 days, twice a day, in the morning and in the evening before meals. Dissolve 20 drops in half a glass of water. In total, during use it takes 2 bottles of 30 ml. Already after the first dose, the effect became noticeable - I felt a significant relief, the pain decreased. After the first week of treatment, urination returned to normal, after the second - for the first time in a long time I felt a strong desire, erection returned. A pleasant surprise was a general improvement in my well-being, I began to sleep soundly again, irritation and anxiety disappeared, a cheerful feeling appeared, I was ready to jump from excess energy. A month later, I underwent another examination, and the ultrasound showed that the normal blood supply to the prostate was restored, the effects of inflammation and necrosis disappeared. Andrologists assure that reproductive function is also restored, testosterone levels return to normal. Three months later, my wife announced that she was pregnant. Prostovit drops not only saved me from the development of oncology, but also allowed me to become a happy father of a wonderful baby.